Recertification Overview

BONENT adheres to the premise that certification not only promotes excellence in the quality of care of the nephrology patient, it ensures safe, competent practitioners in nephrology nursing and technology.

Initial certification is the result of having successfully passed the BONENT certification examination.

How Often Must You Renew?

Recertification is required every four years. Documentation is due within 30-days of the certification expiration date to avoid revocation of the credential.

Faxed Recertification Applications or booklets will NOT be accepted.

We cannot process your recertification application or booklet until all fees for previous years and the current year are paid in full. It takes 4-6 weeks to process recertification applications and booklets. After approval, you will receive a new BONENT wallet card in the mail.

After your certification expiration date passes, you will have a 30-day grace period to submit the Recertification Application and payment. After the 30-day grace period, you will have to complete the reinstatement process. Your certification expiration date will not change during the 30-day Grace period.

How to Recertify


Choose 1 Recertification Option:

  1. Obtain 40 Contact Hours:
    You must get at least 40 contact hours during your 4-year certification.

    • At least 30 out of the 40 contact hours must qualify for Group A (Nephrology-based programs).
    • The balance can be in Group B (General Health).
    • You can obtain hours from CE websites, seminars, webinars, and other resources.
    • To use this option, check the box next to “Yes” on the Recertification Application.


  2. Retake the Examination:

    • A completed, signed and dated Recertification Application. Check the box next to “I want to recertify by taking the BONENT exam”.
    • A completed signed and dated exam application.
    • Payment for Annual Fee(s) and the exam fee. If you pass the exam, you will receive a new BONENT wallet card in the mail.


  3. Use Your One-time Waiver:
    • The one-time waiver allows you to automatically recertify without having to accumulate 40 contact hours.
    • This option can only be used once in a lifetime.
    • To use this option, check the box next to “I want to use my one-time waiver” on the Recertification Application.

Formula for Calculating Contact Hours

  • One contact hour = sixty (60) minutes of classroom instruction
  • One semester credit = fifteen (15) contact hours
  • One quarter credit = ten (10) contact hours


Make sure your Fees are paid:

Current Member: There is no fee to recertify. However, we cannot process your recertification application until all fees for previous years and the current year are paid in full.

Lapsed Certification: Your certification is Lapsed if it is 1-12 months after your certification expiration date and your recertification application has not been submitted or annual fees have not been paid:

  • Pay the $120 Lapsed Certification Fee + any outstanding Annual Certification Fees.
  • If you choose to reinstate your certification by taking the exam, you must pay the Exam Fee + any outstanding Annual Certification Fees.

Expired Certification: Your certification is Expired if it is 13 months to 10 years after your certification expiration date:

  • Pay the $220 Expired Certification Fee
  • If you choose to reinstate your certification by taking the exam, you must pay the Exam Fee. You will not have to pay the Expired Certification Fee.
  • 2025 Certification Amnesty Program: You qualify if your Certification Expiration Date (as noted on your wallet card or in the BONENT database) is between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2023.

Additional Fees:

  • $70 Incomplete Recertification Fee: You will be charged the incomplete fee if you do not submit completed documentation.
  • $85 Returned Check Fee: You will be charged the returned check fee if your check is returned/bounces.


Complete & Mail the Application Form:

Complete the Recertification Application and be sure that all of your fees have been paid. Faxed or photocopied recertification applications will NOT be accepted. Your paperwork will be reviewed to determine if it meets BONENT recertification criteria. When the process is completed, certification will be awarded for an additional four years and a wallet card will be issued to you.

Lapsed or Expired Certification

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