Fall 2012
BONENT: Busy, Growing and Expanding
As we come to the end of another year, it is time to take stock of what we’ve done this year and what we need to keep going into the future. As you see below, BONENT has been busy in 2012 and will be even busier in 2013.
Consider Getting Involved With Us
I would like to invite all BONENT members to become more involved. Everyone has something to offer. Most of the work of the committees is done by email and occasionally by phone. We know everyone is extremely busy, but if you can find 2 or 3 hours a month to help BONENT, it would be very much appreciated. The only way BONENT can continue to grow and succeed is through the efforts of our members.
CHT Exam Updated
In the testing area, we have recently completed a comprehensive update of the CHT exam. It is now in use.
Bio-Med Exam Planning in Progress
In the coming year, we are planning to develop the long awaited BONENT Bio-Med exam. Now that all patient care technicians have to be certified, it is time to turn to the people that ensure our equipment is always in safe operating order. That is why BONENT has started the development of a Bio-Medical Exam. We are going to need the assistance of our long time members to get these 2 tasks completed. Anyone interested in being part of the development of any of our exams should contact the Exam Committee Co-Chairs, Lyle Smith (lyle_bonent@msn.com) or Carol Johnson (carrajon@aol.com).
Welcome to our New Directors
We have just completed the election for the two open Board of Director seats. I would like to announce that Zelma Griffin was re-elected and that Nan Falk will be our new Board Director. Nan is from California and has many years in dialysis, starting at the Regional Kidney Disease Program in Minneapolis.
Continuing Education Programs Rolling
Our most exciting development this year has been the BONENT Continuing Education Program. Under the leadership of Lyle Smith, we have kicked this program off in a big way. The first BONENT Mid-West Regional Education Seminar was held July 15th in Chicago. Attendance was great! The line-up of speakers was phenomenal!
We have future BONENT Regional Education Seminars planned. The next one will be the Southeast Regional Seminar on Sunday, February 17, 2013 in Orlando, Florida at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center. There are details at www.BONENT.org.
We are planning two additional regional seminars - one in the spring in Cleveland (Great Lakes Regional Seminar, Sunday April 7th) and the Northeast Regional Seminar on Sunday, August 18, 2013 in the NY/NJ area.
And in early 2013, you will start to see webinars appear on the BONENT website.
Join Our CE Committee
There are still 2 vacancies on the Continuing Education Committee if you want to help Lyle and the rest of committee with planning future education events. Please email Lyle at Lyle_BONENT@msn.com if you have any suggestions for educational topics or speakers.
I hope you have a safe and joyous holiday season!
Click here to read previous Letters from the President.