COVID 19 Safety Measures
at BONENT Exam Locations
BONENT is committed to ensuring the safety of exam candidates and proctors during the rapidly changing landscape of the COVID 19 pandemic. Therefore, we have implemented new safety measures at all exam testing locations for PPE and CBT.
Prior to entering the exam location, test takers will be required to do the following:
- Bring and wear a mask during the entirety of their time at the test center. Medical masks or cloth face coverings are acceptable.
- Any test taker that comes to the test center without a mask will not be allowed to test, marked as a “no show,” and will forfeit their exam fee.
- Comply with any other local, state or federal mandates and guidelines.
- Note: if you become sick within two weeks of the exam date, you must notify BONENT in writing and transfer to a future exam date.
Several safety measures for the proctor, the site and exam procedures will also be implemented.
Candidates can chose between two exam methods by which to become BONENT certified:
Bring to the Exam
The applicant’s Confirmation Letter lists the test center’s address. To gain admission to the test center, the applicant MUST show the Confirmation Letter to the supervising proctor.
The applicant MUST provide one form of photo identification:
- A valid driver’s license
- A valid government-issued ID card with photo
- A valid passport
- A notarized photo with the Candidate’s name printed on the back
These are the ONLY acceptable forms of ID.
Employment and student ID cards are NOT acceptable forms of identification.
You must have proper identification to gain admission to the test center.
PPE applicants must report to the test center at the time listed on the Confirmation Letter. Seating of candidates, distribution of test materials and testing instructions begin shortly thereafter. The actual starting time of the test may vary at different test centers due to the amount of time necessary for pre-administration procedures.
Guidelines for Day of Exam
BONENT provides these guidelines as part of its criteria for candidates who are scheduled to sit for an exam:
- Do not bring pencils. Pencils will be provided.
- You may take your watch to the examination to help pace yourself during the examination. The test center supervisor will keep the official time and ensure that you are given the correct amount of time for the examination.
- No books, calculators, writing instruments, slide rules, papers, dictionaries or other reference materials may be taken into the examination room.
- No electronic devices are permitted in the examination room or center, including cell phones or signaling devices such as pagers, alarms, and PDAs (personal digital assistants).
- No examination materials, documents or memoranda of any kind are to be taken from the examination room.
- No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the examination. Listen carefully to the instructions given by the Supervising Proctor and read all directions in the examination booklet thoroughly.
- A BONENT observer may be present at the test center. The observer will not answer questions regarding the examination or become involved with exam administration. The observer will file a report with BONENT after the examination concerning test center facilities and administration procedures.
- You must have the Supervising Proctor’s permission to leave the room during the examination. You will not be allowed additional time to make up for time lost.
- The Supervising Proctor may dismiss a candidate from the examination for any of the following reasons:
- if the candidate’s admission to the examination is unauthorized;
- if a candidate creates a disturbance, is abusive or otherwise uncooperative;
- if a candidate gives or receives help or is suspected of doing so;
- if a candidate attempts to remove examination materials or notes from the testing room; and/or
- if a candidate attempts to take the examination for someone else.
- Proctors will not accept application materials of any kind. Candidates are required to submit all application materials to the BONENT Executive Office only.