Sunday, April 22, 2018
San Mateo Marriott San Francisco Airport
1770 S. Amphlett Blvd., San Mateo, CA 94402
Presentations Overview
Clinical and Joint Sessions
My 30-Year Hemodialysis Journey & Why Understanding BioMed Saves my Life
To bring the importance of the Bio Med Technician to the patient condition. Your hands are in the lives of your patients every day and your job means life or death to them. Understanding what it means to our lives as patients, to have clean water, safe equipment and reliable machines makes you a better technician and a better person!
Troyce Crucchiola
Renal Educator
Education: A Must-have to Engage Patients to Improve Their Own Outcomes
This presentation will focus on how to teach patients to be active participants in their daily dialysis self- management tasks such as making good food choices, getting a vascular access and taking their medications.
Dori Schatell, MS
Executive Director, Medical Education Institute, Inc.
Infection Prevention in the Dialysis Setting
This presenter will discuss infection prevention strategies. The focus of the discussion will include strategies such as patient engagement, the CDC 9 core interventions and various infection prevention auditing tools.
Jane Wilson, MSN, RN, CNN, RD
Quality Improvement Director, Health Services Advisory Group, ERSD Network 17
End Organ Stunning
Describe the unseen damage to hearts and brains on dialysis
Anne Diroll, RN, CNN, CLNC
Per Diem RN/Anemia Manager, FMC
Professionalism and the Role of the Technician
The presentation will look at the history of the technician’s role and how it has evolved throughout the renal industry over the past several decades, as well as its current status and and future possibilities
Joe Sala, BSc, Ed, CWS, CWR
Administrator, Mount Sinai Kidney
Emergency Planning and Response
Safe dialysis treatments require a care team, power, water, equipment, and an intact building, at the very least. Any of these can be interrupted by a local or regional emergency. These events may be rare - but since dialysis is life-saving treatment, it is vital to be prepared.
Lisa Hall, MSSW, LICSW
Patient Services Director, ESRD Network 16
A New Way to Treat Anemia
Learn why Triferic is the only FDA indicated for iron replacement and hemoglobin maintenance in adult CKD HD patients.
Michael Morales, MHA/ED, CHT, CHBT, CDWS, CCHT-A
Rockwell Medical
Biomedical Session
CWP and WRO300H Overview
Learn the features and benefits of the CWP central system RO as well as the 300H portable RO.
Dan Bear
Regional Account Manager, Mar Cor
Biomed A-Z: Tips Learned Over 25 Years of Biomed Service
Learn the tricks that will make CMS surveys better and the operational staff love you!
Chris Sack, CHT
Area Technical Operations Manager, Fresenius Kidney Care
Machine Alarms - What’s All the Noise About?
Learn about dialysis machine alarm classifications, the actions needed to remedy them, and their relevance to patient treatment outcomes.
Joe Sala, BSc, Ed, CWS, CWR
Administrator, Mount Sinai Kidney
Electrical Safety Testing
Learn the reasons and importance of proper electrical safety testing. Shock hazards vary in severity and range from a tingling sensation to a lethal jolt. Identifying, correcting, and eliminating shock hazards are the primary reasons for electrical safety testing.
Jason Hong, BMET III
President, EBS Medical, LLC