Hosting and Proctors

BONENT Certification Examinations may be offered at various locations throughout the United States and worldwide, upon request. Examinations can be administered anywhere, any time there are five qualified candidates to take the exam.

The candidates may be a combination of Hemodialysis Technologists/Technicians, BioMedical Technicians, Hemodialysis Nurses, Peritoneal Dialysis Nurses, and Hemodialysis Water Specialists.

BONENT encourages certification; therefore, proctors are required to be a BONENT-certified nurse, technologist/technician, water specialist, a physician, a dietitian, or a renal social worker. These requirements are necessary to prevent any breach of security of the BONENT examination process.

Host Responsibilities

The Host Facility may not limit the examination to those candidates from the Host Facility. All accepted candidates for certification who wish to appear at the scheduled examination must be accommodated.

The following responsibilities apply to the Hosting Facility:

  • Arrangement for appropriately-qualified proctors to administer the BONENT examinations.
  • Ability to accommodate any and all individuals who have been accepted as candidates for certification and are scheduled by the BONENT Executive Office for examination on the date set by the Sponsor and approved by the BONENT Host Review Committee.
  • Coordination with the Supervising Proctor to secure a suitable examination room and accommodations/arrangements that include:
    1. appropriate lighting, ventilation and accessibility.
    2. classroom style with individual seating is ideal for test taking. If individual seating is not available, a standard six (6) foot table is acceptable allowing seating for two people to each six (6) foot table.
    3. large enough examination room to allow a minimum of six (6) feet between examinees.
    4. tables and chairs or armchair desks with a writing surface of at least 12″x 14″ in sufficient number to accommodate all examinees.
    5. an examination room that is located near public restrooms.
    6. pencils, a pencil sharpener, a clock, and blackboard/eraser board.
    7. three (3) hour period for completion of the examination (CHT, CHBT, CHN, CPDN, or CHWS).

For security purposes, no facility’s owner or director can be a proctor for BONENT examinations.

All ADA requests for examinations require that the Supervising Proctor be a BONENT Board member, Regional Representative, or an individual designated by the BONENT President.

Examination Date

A set examination schedule is determined each year by the BONENT Board of Directors.

To host an examination, the sponsor must submit a Host Form, along with other required paperwork to the BONENT Executive Office a minimum of 90 days (120 days for international examinations) prior to the examination date chosen by the Host Facility.

The supervising proctor and assistant proctor’s résumé or curriculum vitae, and signed BONENT confidentiality statement must be submitted with the completed Host Form. An assistant proctor is required for all exams. After verification of proctor credentials and approval by the Host Review Committee, the exam date and site are added to the PPE Schedule.

If the Host request is denied, the $200 Host Fee will be returned.

Proctor and Assistant Proctor

Supervising and assistant proctors for BONENT certification exams must be:

  • a BONENT-certified nurse or technologist/technician
  • a physician
  • a dietician
  • a renal social worker

There are no exceptions to the qualifications.

A detailed Manual of Instructions will be provided by the testing agency for use by the supervising proctor when administering the examinations.

Supervising proctors and assistant proctors are required to submit their résumé or curriculum vitae, and a signed confidentiality statement.

Proctor Responsibilities

Proctor responsibilities include:

  • Read and sign the Proctor Responsibility Agreement and return it to the BONENT Executive Office along with the completed application 90 days (120 days international) prior to the proposed examination date;
  • Ensure that the examination room meets the requirements as explained under Sponsor Responsibilities;
  • Safeguard the security of the examination materials from the time they are received until they are returned to the testing agency, (i.e., AT ALL TIMES);
  • Store examination materials in a secure place (one in which no one other than the proctor has access to them;
  • The supervising proctor will collect acceptance letters from candidates appearing for the examination and verify each examinee’s identity at the time of registration for the examination;
  • The supervising proctor and assistant proctors will administer the appropriate examination to the candidates for certification;
  • The supervising proctor must return all examination materials to the testing agency, per the testing agency’s instructions.

Approximately two weeks before the exam date, the supervising proctor will receive a candidate roster, detailed instruction manuals (for each proctor), and other examination materials. Examinees will be listed by name and identification number on the candidate roster.

The BONENT Board reserves the right to prosecute and revoke the supervising proctor’s certification if examination materials are lost or stolen.

BONENT does not offer an honorarium to the proctor or assistant proctor.

Proctor and Assistant Proctor Responsibilities Agreement

Supervising Host Form

To host an examination, the sponsor must submit a Host form to the BONENT Executive Office a minimum of 90 days (120 days international examinations) prior to the examination date chosen by the Host Facility.

Proctors and assistant proctors are required to submit their résumé or curriculum vitae, and a signed BONENT confidentiality statement. An assistant proctor is required for all exams. After verification of proctor credentials and approval by the Host Review Committee, the exam date and site are added to the PPE Schedule.

Host Form Checklist

  • Completed Host form
  • Copy of Supervising Proctor résumé or curriculum vitae
  • Completed Supervising Proctor Responsibility Agreement
  • Completed Assistant Proctor Responsibility Agreement
  • Copy of Assistant Proctor résumé or curriculum vitae
  • $200 Host Fee, if applicable

If the host packet is received by the BONENT Executive Office without the required documentation, the entire packet will be returned to the sponsor. The examination date may need to be adjusted to meet the 90-day (120-day international) notice requirement.

Exam dates cannot be posted prior to approval by the Host Review Committee.


All host forms must be:

  1. Complete when submitted and accompanied by all supporting documents requested.
  2. Typed or legibly hand-printed in ink.
  3. Received at least 90 days (120 days international) prior to the proposed examination date.
  4. Include a $200 Host Fee, if applicable.
  5. Approved by the Host Review Committee.
  6. Submitted to the BONENT Executive Office by mail: 100 South Washington Street, Rockville, MD 20850; or fax: 202.463.1257.